Gross, Glorious Science
Grades 3-6
Learn about science concepts and see the world in a different way
Happening Habitats
Grades 3-5
Students will explore habitats and what living things need to survive.
The Human Body – An Amazing Machine!
Grades 3-5
Students will identify parts and functions of the body inside and out; and how to stay healthy.
The Inside Scoop On Insects – Bugs & Butterflies
Grades Pre-K-3
Students will develop a curiosity of, interest in, and respect for insects. Students will identify and name Insect body parts, key structure of insects and their functions, and behaviors of insects.
Invention Connection
Grades 3-6
Students will understand how inventions and innovations historically evolved based on the needs of society. Students will use a problem solving model to create a design, prototype and advertisement for a future invention or innovation.
Just Outside Your Front Door Nature Watch
Grades 2-5
Students will discover their natural world and how nature is all around; no matter where they live! Students will use art to express observations in nature using their eyes, ears and hands.
Life Cycles Grow with Me!
Grades K-3
Understand that organisms reproduce, develop, have predictable life cycles, and pass on traits to their offspring. Organisms and their environments are interconnected.
Real World Math Adventures – Be a Hero!
Grades 3-6
Students will identify new content related vocabulary words, problem and solution and sequence of events. Students will solve real world math problems to complete a mission.
Science Crackers
Grades 3-6
Compare and contrast books in a series on craft and structure, content and science concepts. Ask and answer questions, identify informational text features, understand the relationship between chemistry, biology, physics and astronomy.
STEAM Early Concepts
Grades K-2
Identify color words, patterns, pairs, animals, trace and draw, ask and answer questions, sort by category, and compare and contrast.
Walk on the Wild Side
Grades 2-5
Identify animal traits, characteristics and behaviors from animals around the world, heroic acts of animals, and distinguish between real and mythological creatures.
Weird and Wonderful Weather
Grades 3-5
Students will understand water and the water cycle and how it relates to weather and how humans impact the weather system on Earth.