Subtitle Break the dating rules to find a bigger love and better life

Emily Brooks
Price $20.99
Description Description
Young successful women want the Prince Harry and Meghan Markle kind of love. Not the Prince William and Kate kind. But these women are stuck between a rock and a hard place. They are told they must push harder than men to achieve what they want in their careers, but when it comes to dating, they are told to take the back seat. They must be chased. They can't chase. Chasing turns men off. And when educated, ambitious young women struggle to date, this outdated notion is the only answer they have to lean on. They are confused and frustrated, and now they are looking to make the first move because nothing else is working.

The First Move is an insightful critique of our culture of dating in a fourth-wave feminist era, by a young journalist who's lived it. Emily Brooks offers advice for young women seeking truly equal relationships and ignites a conversation long overdue: when will it be OK for a women to make the first move?
Format Trade Paperback 280 Pages
ISBN 9781911632689
Size6.00 in x 9.20 in / 152.40 mm x 233.68 mm
Published Date March 16th, 2021
Emily Brooks
Emily Brooks is the editor of Future Women, the Channel-Nine-backed content-led women's club dedicated to the advancement of women through independent journalism, events and community. At the age of just 27, Brooks has an impressive track record working for The Huffington Post Australia and The Australian Women's Weekly. Her articles on gender, politics, culture and identity have appeared in The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and Grazia Australia.
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